Monday, May 30, 2011

Getting Ready for Kindergarten - May (Sharing)

May - Rhyme Time

Learning to Share
Some children share without being asked and without being taught. However learning to share is harder for most children. Here are a few tips to help support your child as thy learn to share:

-Read books about sharing to your child. Your local children's librarian may be able to suggest some books and videos about sharing.
-When playing "taking turn" games, be sure that everyone has a chance to go first and be last.
-Support and praise children when they share. For example, say, "I liked the way you let John play with that toy. You must be proud of yourself."
-Set a good example. Talk about sharing and share something with your child.
-Sharing is important. Children need to try it to learn it.

What other tips do you have to help your child learn to share?

posted by:
Cara Retz

Friday, May 27, 2011

Getting Ready for Kindergarten - May (English)

May - Rhyme Time

Quote of The Month
"The child supplies the power but the parents have to do the steering." - Benjamin Spock

Snack Time
-Serve healthy snacks and differenty types: crunchy, soft, chewy, smooth, hot, cold, sweet, sour, bland, spicy
-Never offer foods as a reward for good behavior
-Plan snacks as part of tthe daily food plan
-Let your child help pick out fruits, vegetables, and cheeses; they'll be more interested in eating them.

English/Language Arts
Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development
Children understand that speech is composed of sounds and begin to develop the ability to hear and play with those sounds. Letters make sounds. Sounds make words. Words make sentences. Sentences tell stories.

posted by:
Cara Retz

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Getting Ready for Kindergarten - May (Story Time)

May - Rhyme Time

Story Time Tips
Books help children build confidence as they join in with a repeated rhyme. When reading a familiar rhyme, stop before a rhyming word and encourage the child to fill in the word

Children love to hear the same story over and over again, that's how they learn stories and words which leads to reading!

When reading a familiar story, stop before the last word and let your child finish it.

Books to Read This Month
The Princess Knight by Cornelia Funke
R is for Rhyme: A Poetry Alphabet by Judy Young
Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crocket Johnson
Read-Aloud Rhymes for the Very Young by Jack Prelutsky

Websites to Visit

Parent Tip of The Month
As you read, move yoru finger left to right under the words.

posted by:
Cara Retz

Monday, May 23, 2011

Getting Ready for Kindergarten - May (Play Time)

May - Rhyme Time

Play Time

Musical Shaker
Use - plastic bottle and uncooked rice, popcorn kernels, dried beans, pebbles or old buttons
First: Clean and dry plastic bottle
Second: Fill bottle with a little or a lot of an item
Third: Securely close the lid
Fourth: Use the shaker to keep the beat as you say rhymes.
Experiment with different bottles putting different amounts and items in each bottle. Which sound do you like best?

Tug A Bug
Use - Egg carton, cotton balls, crayons, pipe cleaners, color paper, glue, yarn and any other fun materials.
First: Using the egg carton as the body of your insect, have adult cut apart the egg carton
Second: Decorate your bugs however you would like
Third: Add a piece of yarn and tog your bug around town
Fourth: Add several pieces of carton together with pieces of yarn to make a longer bug

Things to Look & Listen For
Color: purple
Numbers: 1-10
Letter Sounds: H, h & M, m
Shape: circle
Sight Words: the, big, ten
Words to Talk About and Use: rhyme, music, vocabulary

posted by:
Cara Retz

Monday, May 2, 2011

Reluctant Entertainer Give-A-Way

I just heard about this blog today on the radio. It's called Reluctant Entertainer. She also just wrote a book my the same name. It has inspired me to start entertaining more in my home. Now, to get my husband on board!

While I was looking around the blog, I found a give-a-way and wanted to share it all with you. It's for a copy of their new book, an apron, and more! Check it out at:

And check out the blog, even if you don't want to enter the give-a-way!

posted by:
Cara Retz

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Getting Ready for Kindergarten - May (Activity a Day)

May - Rhyme Time

1st - Parent: Draw any size circle on a piece of paper. Child: Color the cirlce purple.
2nd - Make up silly words that rhyme with your name.
3rd - Make a list of words that rhyme with big.
4th - Trace the letters in the word May.
5th - Cinco de Mayo - Learn to count to five in Spanish
6th - Check out a nursery rhyme book from the Library
7th - Can you list 15 words that start with the /h/ sound?
8th - Dance to fun music. Clap to the beat.
9th - Start a nursery rhyme and have your child finish it.
10th - Play Simon Says. Focus on moving different parts of the body.
11th - Go outside and hop like a bunny, jump like a frog.
12th - Limerick Day - Check out a book of limericks from the library.
13th - Brainstorm words that rhyme with May.
14th - Go on a letter m hunt! How many did you find?
15th - Jack jumped over the candlestick. What can you go over and under?
16th - Practice tying your shoes.
17th - Count groups of 10. Use different objects like pennies.
18th - Memorize a nursery rhyme. Recite it for a friend.
19th - Circus Day - What animals might you see at a circus?
20th - Use magnetic letters to spell your name on the refrigerator.
21st - Name foods that are purple.
22nd - Point out letters from your child's name as you read a book.
23rd - TV Off Day! - Read a favorite book or play a game.
24th - Praise your child when you see them sharing.
25th - Help fold clothes and count how many you have folded.
26th - Play a card game such as Memory or Go Fish.
27th - Print this list off. Circle the word rhyme on the list. How many did you find?
28th - Find things around the house that are shaped like a triangle, square and circle.
29th - Sing the alphabet song.
30th - Make up a sentence with as many /m/ words as you can.
31st - Practice saying your phone number and address.

I'd love to hear about all the activities you did together throughout the month, so be sure to leave your comments!

posted by:
Cara Retz