Monday, February 22, 2010

Changes Are Coming!

"If I Could Wave A Magic Wand and Change Something About My Small Business, It Would Be....."

If I could change something about my business, it would be to be able to be more confident in myself and what I have to offer others.  I love what I do, but I have such a hard time reaching out to those around me and sharing with them all that I have to offer.  Discovery Toys is a great company with great products and a great business opportinity.  I think if I were able to share that well with others, then my business would really grow by leaps and bounds.  But, I don't have that confidence in myself that says, "Yeah!  You can do it!  This is awesome!  Those phone calls are so easy!" etc.  I find myself insead saying, "Well, they are porbably too busy to want to do this." or "I don't want to pressure them into doing this."  So, I just don't say anything to anyone.  That is what I would change if I had a Magic Wand.

Cara : )

Are You Ready to Get Confident and Certain About Your Business Success?

"I'm the person that small biz owners call
when they're ready for hands-on help
creating a meaningful business
that creates more freedom and flexibility in their lives.”
I’m Susan Baroncini-Moe and I’m about to reveal how you can grow your small business into real prosperity—in your blue jeans!

If you would like to learn more about Susan Baroncini-Moe go to:
or to find out more about this contest go to:

posted by:
Cara Retz
Educational Leader, Discovery Toys

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